January 22, 2025

Why Pray for America?

God is Sovereign and nothing comes as a surprise to Him. Whether we face fluctuating economics, threats from abroad, unrest at home, or other troubling circumstances, our Heavenly Father is not caught unaware. Through prayer, talking with God, we are able to tap into His wisdom, strength, protection, and peace. He stands ready to respond to our prayer of faith according to His Word the Bible (Mark 11:22-24; Hebrews 11:6; James 5:16-18; I John 5:14-15) in answer to our prayer needs for whatever we humbly ask Him. His divine intervention is promised in the affairs with man and government (2 Chronicles 7:12-14).

Join us for 40 Days of Praying for a Spiritual Awakening Revival September 27-November 5, 2024

Beginning Friday September 27, 2024 — 7 pm. Special music will be provided. As a guest Gary Bagwell and the Flat Creek Senior Adult Choir will be singing, as well as others. Many Christians have been invited to assist in the Prayer Service that will be televised and made available through “Live Streaming” throughout the USA, Russia, Asia, Africa, Australia and other Nations around the world. This can be seen at www.streetlevelamerica.com. Churches from other states will be joining us in the 40 Days of Prayer also. The Service will be videoed live at Mt. View Baptist Church

Thank you for joining this needed time for testimony and group prayer.

I Remain,

Yours For Christ,

Pastor Samuel Parsons

PS: Please read the following pages as you prepare for the Prayer Gathering for next Friday 27th , 2024. This will be televised on ‘live streaming’ on www.streetlevelamercia.com and

Also, www.CalltoPray.netwww.intimeslikethese.net also www.promisesfortimeslikethis.net are three other websites will be used.

Seven Areas of Influence we need to Pray For

After your testimony you can choose one or two of Seven Centers of Influence in our Nation and World and use the information, I’ve written up to merge with your testimony; or, you can write/say what the Lord leads you to say. I only wanted to give you some thought-provoking points to use if you would like to. It won’t hurt my feelings if you don’t use them either. You are my brother and sister in the Lord, and I love each of you that are giving your time for this “Call to Pray as God’s Church Asking God to Bring a Revival and Awakening to America”

  1. 1. Family: Our homes have been attacked by satanic forces of the radical left movement in the world. Children are subjected to the personal conflicts of their parents thereby causing a division through divorce and outright being forsaken by the drug addicted parents. Due to sexual immorality, pornography et cetera, abortion on demand became predominantly accepted due to the SPOTUS decision in June 1972. Before the Civil Rights Act of 1965, among blacks the absence of a father was about 20%, now it is 75%. The absence of the faither of the Hispanics and Whites has also increased greatly. The home has been and is being further destroyed. I believe that the ONE cause of abortion is sexual freedom that give rise to abortion on demand and the absence of a male in the home. Source of percentage. There have been approximately 66 million babies aborted since Roe vs Wade in 1972 whereas the SCOTUS ruled the rights for a mother who wanted an abortion. Margaret Sanger began Planned Parenthood in 1936, actually she began her movement in 1914 before WWI. It was developed by Ms. Sanger to discontinue the Black Citizen of its existence through the means of abortion and Planned childbearing. Thank God that President Trump helped chose three conservative Judges to serve on the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) and in 2019 with their conglomerate vote Roe vs. Wade was overturned as a Federal Law and was turned back to the States for their independent ruling. There has been circa 66 million babies aborted in the USA since 1972 ruling of the SCOTUS. An entire generation or more has been eradicated from living their life that God gave to them. Abortion is murder. The medical health organizations /industry have an income of billions of dollars each year from the abortion of babies and the use of their body parts for medical research and developing medications to preserve the general populations health. This was totally rejected by God our Sovereign in which he judged the nations in Old Testament days, especially Israel, due to the practice of ‘offering these children to be burned in fire” for their idolatrous religions. May God help us!

It is time to take a stand against this idolatrous practice of ‘sacrificing our children’ for the sake of medical research and body parts use in our medications for certain illnesses. We must pray that God will continue to convict the Church to pray for victory over this evil done to our babies, no matter what! God gives life however He chooses to, but for us to selfishly, arrogantly, and boldly vote for those who support this kind of idolatry and child destruction is a SIN! We must humble ourselves, repent of this horrible way of life and seek forgiveness of God!

2) The Church has forsaken their place of righteous God’s influence in society. We are now watching TV evangelist/pastors preach and the music performed as we sit in our comfortable chairs at home as Christ followers, born again of the Spirit of God (John 3:3-16) eating our meals and listening but not obeying the command of God (Matthew 28:18-20; Hebrews 10:26-27) furthermore , instead of being a part in our local assembly God desires Christians to grow in their faith and in the knowledge of Christ (2 Peter 3:18) and because of the gifts that Christ has given (Ephesians 4:7-16) Christ followers are equipped with the power/ability to serve the Lord in our culture, society and under every form of government through the power of His Holy Spirit! Remember “The Battle is the Lord’s” all He ask of us to “stand” against the power of Satan (Eph 6:12-18).

3) US Government/Court. Our Country is under attack by Satan’s radical atheism, godless philosophies of humanism which glorifies man over God, Marxism which is totalitarian government, socialism which only appeals to the 5 senses of living with its needs. Its center point is existential in its appeal and significance: the physical and emotional, with seeing, hearing, feeling, touching and tasting. Radical Marxism, Socialism, and Communism, with its WOKE and DEI agenda, is satanic in its core of beliefs and practice to cause the development of struggle among the people and the elite which develops into causing violence in the streets, confusing in the people of what is appropriate governance, and with the intent of taking ALL rights, freedoms and liberty’s from the people in an effort to gain control of ALL property ending in slavery as the stronghold over the existence of people.

The conflict in America due to these radical lies of hypocrisy and lack of God authority are affecting and destroying America within. The Bible was held up as the rule book of faith and practice in early America, even before the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Early

4) Government, Military and Law Enforcement –as agents to punish evil they need God’s protection and Power upon them as they carry out strategic policies to protect, provide and to legislate, administer and enforce laws ratified. We are a nation of laws, federal, state and local, justice and truth and liberty are at the heart of the original constitution system of the USA. Protection of our borders within and without. They are to manage unlawful entry and unlawful living within. According to the Bible Romans 13:1-7, at the helm and sustained as our Sovereign, who gave us these rights and freedoms for life stated in the US Constitution, has ordained/appointed these authorities of the government to take charge for protection and provision by the Executive, the Legislative, the Justice branches to execute judgment, righteously and fairly, upon those who reject/resist the laws of the nation which are under God and accountable to “of the people”, “by the people”, and for the people”. This law enforcement charge has laws with powers to be executed within the borders of the US.

Our military, voluntary at first and then organized as an army to protect this great nation within and without the borders of the USA. Their duty is to protect us from foreign governments and people from invading our borders to do as they choose with tyranny, violence and plundering the USA citizens, government and its entities with selfish intents. This includes a person(s) which wants, intends to assume a place as a citizen without proper USA and lawful procedure to become a citizen. Both military and law enforcement duty are explained in our Declaration of Independence (1776 a.d.); furthermore, the US Constitution (1787 a.d.) and finally ratified by all the states in 1791.

It behooves us, the Church (Religion) and to those who have faith in God, to consistently, constantly and conglomerately PRAY for ALL authorities and agencies of American government whether federal, state or local entities. Jesus said, “For many will come in My name, saying, I am the Christ, and will deceive many” (Mt. 24:4). We should be discerning always because our political leaders in office and running for office should be vetted with God’s power of wisdom and discernment, which is available upon our asking Him (James 1:5-8).

5. Education. Pray for our Education entities. The purpose of education is to teach truth and moral principles in practical ways regarding who we are as a person, why are we here on earth, what are we to do in life. basically, education is failing in America. History is no longer taught including truthful American History, Ancient and Medieval History. But with the Bible being removed as the source of religious and moral and pursuit of happiness, we have the present godless condition with the departure of truthful education, reading deficiencies, moral problems, killings in the schools, drugs distributed in the hallways, suicides of teenagers because of the hopelessness in living in this present world. There are so many more deficiencies in the process of 2024 education because of the lack of truth in education plaguing our schools. We now have students that cannot read as they graduate the 12th grade. What is their ability for living? And What will their purpose in life be, their example of faith in God lived out, and what will their destiny become?

Why? I believe the Supreme Court of the United States ruling in 1962 removing prayer from the schools using the Lord’s Prayer as a model to learn to pray in 1963 as the original and basic subject to teach reading and critical thinking, the history of civilization, the book of morals in society lived out and to build healthy relationships with others.

Please pray for our Schools that they will return, as other states have, to placing the Bibles and it’s reading back into its curriculum and prayer, even with the Lord’s Prayer given in the Gospels to provide the student with those godly influences to live righteously, holy and in sync with God and His blessing upon them.

6) Media with all its divisions of information. Truth in Reporting. What more can I say about today’s departure from truth in news and giving solid truly researched evidence of what really happens or is happening. It is seen that most of the news has departed from their original purpose. It has become prejudiced with Marxism, a radical government of socialism which eventuates into communism—with a slavish rule over the common citizen—and their “atheistic ology”. Deception is the rule of the news in 2024. Christ gave a warning about this in Matthew 24: 3-8. Masking the truth is deceiving. Covering up the truth is a lie! That is certainly ‘fake news”. Deception politically will be predominant at the end of man’s rule on earth. We must require “Truth” in reporting the news. We must PRAY for the Media and those who are responsible to provide the truth and reliable news. God’s Word IS reliable! He never lies nor speaks with a double tongue or masks the truth with deceiving propaganda. Jesus said, “Many will come in My name, saying, “I am the Christ, and will deceive man”.

7) Business/Banks/Federal Reserve System. Honesty and Fairness with your fellowman. I’ve never dreamed that I would see where the corporate would become an enemy of the citizens of the USA. There are many great and wonderful companies throughout the USA and the world that are exhibiting good business practices. But there are those who have reached the heights of wealth who are interfering with the people’s ‘constitutional rights. They are supporting ‘government’ ideologies that are against America’s Constitution: i.e. Wokeism, Marxism, slavish employment, and global governments bent on destroying the capitalist view of the economy—which is the basic practice to acquire wealth in our middle-class oriented culture and society…all are of the “American Way of Life”. They are supporting immorality, transgenderism, government rule over the people, dishonesty in gaining wealth: i.e. charging exorbitant interest in their financial transactions, favoring the elite over the middle class or the poor, along with the Central Banking system and its desire to control money by becoming a global economy to dominate the financial industry of the world. The antichrist, when he launches his rule, will control the entire world with his power of government, his requirement of using an identity system connected to his rule and bank and by requiring an image placed into or upon your body for financial transactions, buying and selling, receiving necessities for life: i.e. housing, food, health care, transportation: globally or regionally. Everything will be under his power and control with his global business that will provide these services for the entire world of people. The appearance of this ID has already been shown, appearing even in the 1980’s with the use of a micro chip being used to verify you as the user of the card. The cryptocurrency, along with the Central Bank and the Federal Reserve have already begun their presentation of imminent use. We must pray for God’s grace and strength to survive these times until the Second Coming of Christ as He promised in John 14:1-6; I Thess 4:13-18; 2 Thess 2:1-9; Revelation 13.

8) World Nations. While I write this Ukraine and Russia are under fire of each other actually they are at war with each other. Hundreds of thousands and possibly millions have been killed, citizens and soldiers in each of the countries. All for the purpose of taking power to be their own or to obtain power to control the other nation. Jesus said that “nations shall rise against each other and kingdoms against kingdoms” (Matthew 24:7). The prophets of the Old Testament and Jesus confirmed it that when Israel is surrounded by the nations, given in Ezekiel 38-39, that you know that His coming would be near. Today Israel is under fire from ‘Hamas’, Hezbollah, and the nations that are given in Ezekiel’s prophecy more than 2500 years ago (Ezekiel 38:1-9) Israel would be under siege. Just recently those nations basically Islamic and are funded by Russia and other of the Gog and Magog nations are financially equipped for their weapons they are using against Israel. But the end of it will be God intervening. But the Lord Jesus exhorted that we should “Pray for the Peace of Israel”. We have seen this attacked on Israel by the enemy many times since Israel was declared a Hebrew Nation May 14, 1948. But things became worse after President Donald Trump, as no other American President had promised, cooperated with Israel to place the USA Embassy in Jerusalem, declaring it the Capitol of Israel.

Since that time the UN, other nations especially the Palestine (Philistine) nations have rebelled, and Iran with Hamas and Hezbollah attacked Israel. We must pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and for Israel’s safety against these enemy nations.


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